So, let me give you a little history lesson about me. I have not always been a Christian, In fact my birth date to this world is 10/26/76. My rebirth through the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is 11/27/11 (this is my new birthday)!! That is the day of my Baptism (public confession of surrendering my life to Christ). The private confession to Christ was only a short time earlier the end of September 2011. This is a long story but a good one at least for me and I hope for you!!
So here we go........ I have always been seeking peace and joy for my life but never attaining those two things. In my trying by seeking things of this world I ended up with a lot of hurt and heartache. I tried in vein for 34 long years. When I look back now I can see all the ways God was pursuing me and I bet if you take a good heart felt look you will see God pursuing you. My niece and nephew were playing Upward basketball one winter I will say this must have been Jan 2011. I went to a game for each one and my father was there too along with other family. The games were going well we were cheering and making our usual snarky comments about being aggressive, be the best yadayadayada. It comes to half time and that means devotion. Ugh... can't we get through a basketball game without the Jesus freaks. My father and I got up and went so we would not have to listen to this crazy talk. I mean it is a church league after all. I hear the Gasp now in my own heart, but back then I did not. We poked fun and then returned to our seats.
Turns out my nephew at the Upwards awards celebration raised his hand to know more about Christ and so a post card was sent to his home. My nephew wanted to go to church. My sister in all her non- enthusiasm took my nephew to Sunday School and found a Sunday School class for herself. No church service yet. They both pursued this for months. My sister seemed quiet happy in her Sunday School class and tried to encourage her daughter and fiance at the time now her hubby to no avail. My sister met a very dear lady who did a lot of work with widows in Uganda and Jenny told me about her and said she is having a yard sale, "want to help??" I said sure, I like to help people (by training I am a nurse) so helping is what I do. I met this incredible couple and inside me I said ("Why is she so peaceful and joyful???") Jenny then invites me to her Sunday School class. I figure it can't hurt, right??? So, we go and my kids go to their perspective classes. Guess what the lesson is in Sunday School.....Luke 10:25-37 the Parable of the good Samaritan and guess who was there??? The joyful lady from the yard sale. Being a nurse I knew the word Samaritan and the law but not what it truly meant. Wow, God ok you are getting my attention now. My kids enjoyed their classes too. So we went back (at this time my husband was in Iraq) This week I said why don't we go into service?? So myself my kids my sister her two kids and you got it her husband all went to service, guess what the topic was.... 1Timothy 1:1-17. Do you know this passage? It is about Paul who used to be Saul, he was a bad dude he persecuted Christians killing them. The Pastor goes onto explain how bad Saul was in his life ( sin). Ok, God you have my attention. I am a sinner just like Paul was. You forgave him???? After all he has done??? He not only forgave Paul he used him to further the Kingdom of God!!! Wow, I got to know more. That was just what I was about to find out!! Remember I told you my dad and I made fun of the very people trying to share Gods word just like Paul we persecuted these people.
Let me share with you just how good God is, I not only decided to learn more I decided to give my life over to Christ. I learned that the forgiveness God gives cannot be earned by good deeds. The forgiveness is a free gift to us. Christ died on a cross to pay the penalty for sin, which is death. He was the pure sacrifice that had to be offered to save us in our filth and unrighteousness. He has forgiven me for all I have done and will ever do. Nothing I can do will take me from His hands. HE can forgive you too. HE is waiting on you, pursuing you too.
All this from a basketball league. Yes, because it is a ministry blessed by God! I am so thankful for Upward and God using my young nephew to bring us to Christ. I can never repay this debt but I can give my life so others can know the love of Christ and that there is Victory in Christ alone!
So the very "church league" I scoffed at and persecuted was instrumental in saving my life. The very church they were playing basketball at, Calvary, was the very church I would leave from to go on my first over seas mission trip to Uganda! The very league I made fun of has my total dedication as a volunteer cheerleading coach and cafe volunteer and prayer partner. So, I am here alive in Christ to tell you that the Grace of God is for all. No matter what you have done God loved you enough to already send His son to save you. Will you be like I was and continue to turn away from God? I pray not, I pray you will fall on your knees and call out to Him I promise He will meet you right where you are.
I can give my personal testimony about how God has turned my life Upward and I can tell you that due to the Upward ministry 8 others in my family have comitted their lives to Christ. I cannot do anything other than show you with my life and testimony just how good life is in Christ. Would you please pray for the Upward ministry and all that are involved. Everyday God is using ordinary people for His extraordinary purpose.
In the love of Christ,
So here we go........ I have always been seeking peace and joy for my life but never attaining those two things. In my trying by seeking things of this world I ended up with a lot of hurt and heartache. I tried in vein for 34 long years. When I look back now I can see all the ways God was pursuing me and I bet if you take a good heart felt look you will see God pursuing you. My niece and nephew were playing Upward basketball one winter I will say this must have been Jan 2011. I went to a game for each one and my father was there too along with other family. The games were going well we were cheering and making our usual snarky comments about being aggressive, be the best yadayadayada. It comes to half time and that means devotion. Ugh... can't we get through a basketball game without the Jesus freaks. My father and I got up and went so we would not have to listen to this crazy talk. I mean it is a church league after all. I hear the Gasp now in my own heart, but back then I did not. We poked fun and then returned to our seats.
Turns out my nephew at the Upwards awards celebration raised his hand to know more about Christ and so a post card was sent to his home. My nephew wanted to go to church. My sister in all her non- enthusiasm took my nephew to Sunday School and found a Sunday School class for herself. No church service yet. They both pursued this for months. My sister seemed quiet happy in her Sunday School class and tried to encourage her daughter and fiance at the time now her hubby to no avail. My sister met a very dear lady who did a lot of work with widows in Uganda and Jenny told me about her and said she is having a yard sale, "want to help??" I said sure, I like to help people (by training I am a nurse) so helping is what I do. I met this incredible couple and inside me I said ("Why is she so peaceful and joyful???") Jenny then invites me to her Sunday School class. I figure it can't hurt, right??? So, we go and my kids go to their perspective classes. Guess what the lesson is in Sunday School.....Luke 10:25-37 the Parable of the good Samaritan and guess who was there??? The joyful lady from the yard sale. Being a nurse I knew the word Samaritan and the law but not what it truly meant. Wow, God ok you are getting my attention now. My kids enjoyed their classes too. So we went back (at this time my husband was in Iraq) This week I said why don't we go into service?? So myself my kids my sister her two kids and you got it her husband all went to service, guess what the topic was.... 1Timothy 1:1-17. Do you know this passage? It is about Paul who used to be Saul, he was a bad dude he persecuted Christians killing them. The Pastor goes onto explain how bad Saul was in his life ( sin). Ok, God you have my attention. I am a sinner just like Paul was. You forgave him???? After all he has done??? He not only forgave Paul he used him to further the Kingdom of God!!! Wow, I got to know more. That was just what I was about to find out!! Remember I told you my dad and I made fun of the very people trying to share Gods word just like Paul we persecuted these people.
Let me share with you just how good God is, I not only decided to learn more I decided to give my life over to Christ. I learned that the forgiveness God gives cannot be earned by good deeds. The forgiveness is a free gift to us. Christ died on a cross to pay the penalty for sin, which is death. He was the pure sacrifice that had to be offered to save us in our filth and unrighteousness. He has forgiven me for all I have done and will ever do. Nothing I can do will take me from His hands. HE can forgive you too. HE is waiting on you, pursuing you too.
All this from a basketball league. Yes, because it is a ministry blessed by God! I am so thankful for Upward and God using my young nephew to bring us to Christ. I can never repay this debt but I can give my life so others can know the love of Christ and that there is Victory in Christ alone!
So the very "church league" I scoffed at and persecuted was instrumental in saving my life. The very church they were playing basketball at, Calvary, was the very church I would leave from to go on my first over seas mission trip to Uganda! The very league I made fun of has my total dedication as a volunteer cheerleading coach and cafe volunteer and prayer partner. So, I am here alive in Christ to tell you that the Grace of God is for all. No matter what you have done God loved you enough to already send His son to save you. Will you be like I was and continue to turn away from God? I pray not, I pray you will fall on your knees and call out to Him I promise He will meet you right where you are.
I can give my personal testimony about how God has turned my life Upward and I can tell you that due to the Upward ministry 8 others in my family have comitted their lives to Christ. I cannot do anything other than show you with my life and testimony just how good life is in Christ. Would you please pray for the Upward ministry and all that are involved. Everyday God is using ordinary people for His extraordinary purpose.
In the love of Christ,
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