
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

His Helping Hand

This morning I heard Christine Caine (I cannot get enough of her by the way) read this poem  - author is unknown.  Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!  

The Pit

A man fell into a pit and could not get himself out. 

A Subjective person came along and said "I feel for you down there in that pit" 

An Objective person came along and said "It’s logical that someone would have fallen down into that pit"

A Christian Scientist came along and said "You only think you’re in the pit" 

A Pharisee said "only bad people fall into the pit"

A Newspaper Reporter wanted the exclusive story on the pit 

A Fundamentalist said "You deserve your pit" 

Confucius said "If you had listened to me you would not be in that pit" 

Buddha said "The pit is only a state of mind" 

A Realist said "that’s a pit" 

A Scientist calculated the pressure necessary to get him out of the pit 

A Geologist told him to appreciate the rock strata in the pit 

A Tax man asked him if he was paying taxes on the pit 

An inspector asked him if he had a permit to dig the pit 

An Evasive person came along and avoided the subject of the pit altogether

A Self pitying person said "You haven’t seen anything until you have seen my pit" 

A Charismatic said "just confess that you are not in the pit"

An Optimist said "It could be worse" 

A Pessimist said "Things will get worse" 

Jesus walking along seeing the man in the pit simply knelt down, extended his hand and pulled him out of the pit!


Friday, April 25, 2014

Long time no blog!

     Well, long time no blog.  Wow what a busy season of life I am in!  But, then who is not busy, right?  I am reminded in my busyness though to remember the one who will sustain me and get me through.  Jesus!  I have really  felt like I have needed him more and more daily and when I call out he is there!  What a friend I have in Jesus!  What a comfort.  I hasten you and me to not just include him in your life when you need him.  He should be in our every second of everyday.  If you read the Bible especially the Old Testament you will notice a lot of detail.  You ask why???  It is because every detail is important to God!  So, it just stands to reason that every detail in your life is also important to God: Good, bad, sad, messy, every detail.

    So, my friends remember everyday when you are happy or sad or mad that Jesus is right there with you.  Include him in your life.  This life is a walk with Jesus!  At the end of your life like Paul don't you want to say I have run a good race I have fought a good fight!  All for the Glory of God!  So when someone says the details are not important remember who is in the details! 

    Share Jesus with someone today! 


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

AWKWARD Photos for fun!- Hooking up to Kelly's Korner

Just for fun I thought I would play along with Kelly over at Kelly's Korner and post a few awkward photos of myself!  We all have them. Enjoy giggling!


Studios Jenny- 1981

Fun Jenny- This is what I call the summer of sun-in, socks and cigs for my dad! 1983

Animal loving Jenny

Cool Jenny- Rockin' the aviators

Freshman Jenny- 1990

Extremely awkward friend photo 1991 I am on a ladder surrounded by 5 friends.  Braces, bangs and cuffed jeans, oh my!

Prom 1992 sophomore year- Dyed shoes!  Poorly fitted, borrowed prom dress, color you ask....not really sure.
1994 shortly before graduation. That is a romper and what I mean is that is a one piece polyester blend jumper with crocheted sweater---Bohemian chic!

Summer 1999- my daughter had been born in April, so the mom shorts are appropriate

Spring 2000 friend's wedding awkwardness with gloves and all!  Handmade bridesmaid dresses in mauve!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How Great Thou Art

How Great Thou Art …Amen!   

This song has been in my church’s music ‘rotation’ lately,  when I turn the radio on I always seem to catch it being played, Jenny actually is in the office next to mine and recently I have heard it being played on her music station and when I just looked at a social media sight I saw this video.   I think I’m being told …SHARE THE NEWS!!!    

The words are so powerful - they bring me to tears.  Happy tears knowing one day I will see Him and will sing out “My God, how great Thou art!”


"How Great Thou Art" 

O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made;
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

When through the woods, and forest glades I wander,
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees.
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.

Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

And when I think of God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin.

Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"

Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

Your Story- TRUTH!

This blog as you know is dedicated to share how God works in our lives and we want to glorify Him with all we say and do! We want to share "Your Story" and that is what these post will be titled. 
The following devotion was shared with me by my sweet friend Sherry and I begged her to be able to share it with you.  It is her personal story and we all know it is hard to share personal details, but when it glorifies our Lord then we really have no choice.  I just know you will be as blessed to read it as I was.  I laughed and cried and laughed again!  Enjoy!
Thank you, Sherry for sharing "your story"!

I am 53 years old.  I have been married for 28 years to my husband, Chip, and we have 3 children:  Corbin almost 26, Travis 23, and Morgan 20.    
Life is fast and hard!  With children come demands, hard work and a never ending cycle of mundane tasks like meals, laundry and homework, sports, music lessons and lots of taxi-ing!  From the moment a mother’s feet hit the floor in the morning until her head hits the pillow at bedtime she never stops!  Not only is a mother never stopping but along the way there are temper tantrums, money problems, sicknesses, unexpected deaths, and pain from all kinds of feelings being hurt.  It took me until I was in my 30’s to understand the whole love that God has for me!  I was born into a family that chose to raise me in the church.  I was married in the church, my husband and I attended church after we were married and we took our kids to church each week.  I have always been a very good girl.  J (please don’t ask anyone else )
Personally, I have dealt with children who suffered from ADHD, learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, broken bones, surgeries, as well as day to day life.  I also have someone who is an alcoholic and at times would drink until driven to call me and tell me what a terrible mother, wife and person I was.  And even though I knew in my mind that those things weren’t true, I STILL took them on as my own problem!  I suffered sleepless nights, reacting hatefully to my children when they were just being children, and I was stressed beyond belief! I was not very good at dealing with the day to day things that were coming up in my life.  So begins MY journey in learning that God is more than a God who created the world and His Word is alive and powerful and NEEDED to be the most important thing in my life.  Yes I was a good girl living a good life – but HE created me to be more than that.  I depended on other people to interpret what the Bible said – I never read it for myself because I just figured I couldn’t understand it so why bother.  Join me as I share with you 3 people that God placed in my life to show me a better way!
            The first person on my journey was my husband.  I was blessed with a Godly husband who has patiently, yet firmly encouraged me on my walk.  A husband who has stood by me through thick and thin!  For several years we home schooled our children.  Corbin, our oldest is now a medic in the Navy and heading to San Diego for this next steps of training.  Travis, our middle one, is somewhere between his 3rd and 4th year at Liberty – although most kids his age have graduated and moved on to the real adult world Travis is still working his way through school – he works at least 30 hours each week here in Charlottesville while going to school in Lynchburg!  Morgan, our youngest is a 2nd year at Liberty and just been accepted into the Athletic Training program there.  With these three kids just over the last 6 months alone we have “lived through” some of the following:  having a young lady whom you thought you were going to marry decide you were not her type … but still continue to make your life miserable because she doesn’t want you happy; we have had mono, pneumonia, strep, speeding tickets, broken cars, laughed together, cried together, pouted at one another, dealt with bad relationships, good relationships, pain and possible surgery and watched as their parents, as the 3 of them loved one another fiercely as only a brother and sister could.  And guess what… life marches on!  Where are we going to place our trust?  I now know that Psalm 63 promises me that I can cling to God and know that He will work it all out - I don’t have to worry about any of these things. 
But before, I realized that God wanted to be a part of my life DAILY and wanted me to take all of my problems to him, I spent my time in a panic mode!  I would have tried to talk my son out of the Navy and certainly would not have been very happy about him being accepted into the RECON program as a medic – that’s front lines! I would have been in tears and unable to walk on as our daughter was in the hospital for a week in October and then missed 3 more weeks of school suffering vertigo – all right when the Athletic Training Dept was deciding which 20 kids (out of 200) were worthy to stay in the program!  And in the midst of all of this my husband suffered from a rare eye infection that took the sight in his left eye!  That’s enough to take down the strongest person!
 Before I learned about this God who was personal and wanted to be in my life I lived with so many doubts and fears that they consumed me.  Our middle child was born prematurely.  At the time of his birth I knew there was a God but I had no idea how much he cared about me!  I wish I had known then what I know now – as Psalm 63:3 “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.”  What pain He could have saved me from at that time in my life had I only asked for His help!  We have grown in Christ together and are peaceful and happy because of it!  I am blessed to have a husband who has never wavered in his faith in Jesus Christ.  My husband and I are opposites in so many ways – he is calm – I am hyper; he is level-headed – I use every inch of my passion J; but we BOTH LOVE the Lord!  I am blessed by him in so many ways – although in case you are wondering he is WAAAAAYYYYY older than me!
            My second person is my best friend.  Have you ever met someone that was very different from you?  Someone that you were so captivated with that you wanted to know what their secret was?  I have been blessed with such a special friend.  Someone who was different – someone who wasn’t moved when the wind blew – whether it was hard or soft!  Someone that made such an impact on my life that it made me ask what was so different – it made me ask for the same thing!  She was calm with her children – she wasn’t stressed and in panic mode because they had problems.  I watched her with amazement and I needed whatever she had.  So I got on my knees and asked Him for whatever she had!  The journey the Lord has taken me on since then has been awesome!  From that time forward I learned to give everything to Him!  I wanted to know her “secret” and so I hung on to her for dear life.  And while doing that I found another way to live.  I learned to read His word for myself and to understand it – the more I read the more I needed.  I learned that in order to KNOW God I had to spend time each morning with Him – just like any other friend – it takes time and effort!  The more questions I had the more answers I learned to find!  Through the years she has been patient with me, laughed with me (but never at me), looked over my shortcomings and encouraged me to run this race with grace through Jesus!  She has taught me so many things that I could not even begin to list them.  I will be forever grateful for her!  She has a passion for all to know HIM in a real and personal way and she took the time to disciple me.  What an honor to walk with her and meet her Jesus and to now be able to know that her Jesus is my Jesus too!
            My third person is my grandmother.  I was blessed with a grandmother who was a Godly woman.  She passed away about 7 years ago.  She was a woman full of wisdom who loved the Lord and had a passion for her family and others to know HIM in a personal way.  She wrote her 16 grandchildren letters through their adult years with scripture and words of wisdom (whether we wanted them or not) for everything that we faced!  Our importance in her life was proven upon her death.  Even though she was 93 years old, her death was sudden and quite unexpected.  The morning before her death she walked ½ a mile to check on my great-aunt who was 3 years younger than her and then back home again.  She had a garden and canned and froze the food, quilted, crocheted, and knitted and made the best bread you ever tasted.  I will never forget that day after Christmas when my mother called to tell me that my grandmother had passed away.  So many people in our family were devastated and just unsure of what to do.  She was who everyone looked to when things needed to be solved.  In planning her funeral, my aunt took one of my grandmother’s Bibles with her to see the Pastor who was preaching for her funeral.  My aunt requested the Pastor use Buzzy’s Bible to read her favorite Scripture passages – but we were quite surprised when the Pastor began by telling us how special we were to my grandmother.  He began by citing entries in her Bible where she had prayed for us.  Her Bible was filled with prayers for her family over the years.  He suggested that she used her Bible more as a journal and that if we looked further we would likely find older Bibles with more info in them.  How touched I was to find where my grandmother had written in the margin of her Bible when she began praying for my future husband, Chip and then again as each of our children were born.  Everything that affected her family – big or small was in those margins.  The pastor suggested that we take turns looking through her Bible and we would begin to see our lives unfold through my grandmother’s prayers for each of us.  Praise God for the privilege of this disciple in my life!
            Each of these people opened their lives and showed me Christ in action!  Where would I be today without Jesus active and alive in my life!  When my husband and I faced having a child who needed counseling to get past some anxieties, when we made the choice to home school against the wishes of our parents and some close friends, when we have adult children who struggle to pass classes in college, when my husband lost his job and had to go back to school and our only income would be from a home based daycare!  The list goes on and on. 
But God had placed these 3 key people in my life for me to see how much He loves me.  Deuteronomy 7:7-8 says “The Lord did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples….. but it was because the Lord LOVED YOU.”  These verses tell me that this is what will carry me through everything:  God set his affections on me and therefore I need to set my affection on Him!  My joy does not depend on my circumstances!  Satisfaction only comes from asking Him for it.  It is what I like to refer to with my children as your “Jesus Joy” – Joy no matter what!  There are so many things in this world to capture our attention: ipods and ipads, fashion, awesome travel near and far, great food, Facebook, texting – if we are not careful we will put them ahead of what really matters – our relationship with God!  He has to come first – by putting HIM first in our life we can’t go wrong.  We have too many needs for anyone else to supply – our need for affirmation and acceptance, our need for material things – and the list goes on and on.  If we don’t fill ourselves with Jesus then we will fill ourselves with something!  Psalm 90:14 “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.”  If we begin every day by spending time with Him, then we won’t be in need of others to make us happy!  Our happiness will come from the only One that matters.
I would not change one thing in my journey!  I am blessed beyond belief!  I have learned from Kay Arthur that whatever we have learned, God intends for us to share.  I have made a “purposeful” decision to share what I have learned with children.  Some of you may ask why since as mother’s we sometimes find any excuse we can to get away – but the Lord has blessed me with a love for children and my intent is to teach them about Christ’s great love!  I enjoy my own children – I have enjoyed every phase of their life (although some phases have been easier than others) it has honestly been great to watch them grow .. to hear what they think… and to watch them grow into Christ followers.  They did not become Christ followers by themselves – my husband and I set out with a purpose and a passion.  And along the way God placed numerous people in their lives to help develop and mold them into those Christ followers.  Are they perfect at it?  No… in fact one of them doesn’t go to church at all!  But I know that God’s Word promises His love will not fail!  So I look forward to the day he realizes his need for the church!
I stand before you shaking in my shoes – partly because I am cold, but mostly because I am scared to death – but HE has called us to share our STORY and so that is what I will do!  I thank Jesus for each and every blessing that He sees to trust me with.  I am unworthy – but willing to learn and share what I have learned – as small and weak as it seems – it is important to my friend Jesus!  The things that I have learned I have learned from studying His word and learning who God is!  My prayer for everyone is that they too will have the same awesome experience of knowing God and trusting Him with everything!
Who are you sharing YOUR story with?  YOUR story is important to God and to His people!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I posted a few weeks ago that I am reading my Bible daily.  I told you that it was good for my soul; which it is.  I will admit though certain chapters in certain books of the Old Testament can be difficult to read.  I am being very honest here. 

If you  have ever read the entire book of Exodus you know what I mean about certain chapters being difficult to read, and what I mean by difficult is boring.  Yikes, did I just call the Word of God boring?   Don't get me wrong the parts about God using Moses to lead His chosen out of Egypt is riveting stuff, but then we get to where God is settling the Israelites and the building of the Tabernacle.  You read about God being very specific to Moses about the number cubits of fabric, and rings of gold and brass and where the candelabra will be placed and then you go through the detailed repetition of that again when the Tabernacle is built.  I mean is it important to know how many cubits of fabric will flank the sides of the Tabernacle or how many rings will secure them or even what side the candle holders will be put on??

The answer to that question is YES; we do need to know!  And why?  Well the answer would come to me days after finishing Exodus, but I knew if God breathed these words then they were words worth reading and not skimming over.

A few days after I finished the book of Exodus I was brushing my teeth and I couldn't get out of my head why these seemingly trivial items were in a book of the Bible and why they were worth repeating?  That is when He placed on my heart the word DETAILS.  I felt Him say to me "Child the details are important.  The details of your life are important to me".  YES!  That is the answer! Our God is a detailed oriented God.  He is a God that cares about the little things.  You see God uses His word to teach us. Where do we find His word; well in His book, The Bible!  We won't know what He wants for us or how much He loves us unless we READ IT!

For me the book of Exodus was not just about God saving His people, but about confirming to me that God doesn't just care about the big stuff around us; He cares about every detail in our lives. You see when I started reading these chapters of Exodus I didn't know why they were important to God.   You see we often say why God?  Why am I going through this?  Why am I reading over and over about cubits of fabric?  Why is this important to you?  We ask why because we don't understand.  Asking Him why is okay because He wants to answer you and He will if you are listening to Him.  Sometimes He wants you to read the whole book or go through the whole storm before He answers you.  See He knows exactly what you need and He knows when you need it. 

The lesson for me in this is that every word of the Bible is significant and is important to take in.  God will explain it to me when and how it relates to my life when He knows I need it. 

If you don't believe our God cares about the details I challenge you to look at the things around you He created.  Tell me you don't find attention to detail in yourself?  The freckle on your face?  Your talents?

Happy reading! 
Matthew 10:30
"And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
Grace to you!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mission Minded!

We are half way through our season with Upward.  I relish this time of year!  This is my family's  "main" mission if you will.  We work several months ahead to be ready for the season and when we start in January every weekend is consumed with Upward.

My whole family is involved somehow.  My husband coaches, refs and is a gym coordinator, I am the cheer "commissioner" and run the café.  My daughter who is too old to play is the assistant coach to my husband and my son plays and also assist with score keeping. The Upward ministry lead us to Christ and we will be forever grateful and decided this is the area we would serve our Lord.   

This mission works for our family because we can ALL be involved.  It is not only important for your children to see you and your spouse on mission and serving, but as they grow older it is important to find missions they can do with you and on their own.

We are currently praying for our daughter about a mission trip she feels lead to go on.  It will be out of the country, but our church has taken this trip many times.  We are very peaceful about her going, but are praying for God to just work out all the details.  We covet your prayers as well. 

I cannot tell you as a mother how big your heart swells when you hear your almost 15 year old daughter say "can I go on mission?"  She knows that is a week without her "comfortable" home life.  God is working in this girl's life like crazy!  She was baptized almost two years after us.  She made the decision on her own at 14 that she would be baptized.  My daughter has a heart for God and is constantly seeking His way. 

Being on mission can mean so many things.  We can be on mission daily.  Everyday when we come to work, go to the store, pick up the kids from school, serve a hotdog at the Upward Café; we can do these things with the love of Christ.  Many for various reasons cannot travel and you don't have to leave your hometown to be on mission. The lost are everywhere! 

I don't serve in the ministry of Upward for recognition; I serve for my Lord who I am so grateful for. I serve to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ which is what He ask of us.   I don't tell you about this service because I want to boast of what I am doing because this is such a little thing.  I tell you because there are opportunities everywhere!  I share because I hope it will clarify that we can all be missionaries in the Kingdom of God. 

Won't you consider your mission for God today?

Matthew 28:19-20
The Great Commission
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

2013 Upward Season

My son working in the café

My husband refereeing

My daughter and husband with a friend coaching the Polar Bears!
My sister (Mandy) in Uganda on Mission 2/2013
Doesn't this picture capture LOVE!!
Grace to you!

Friday, January 24, 2014

We are on Missions!

   So I have been pondering over what my next blog would be and I thought well duh!  It will be about  missions.  My current mission Upward! 

     So, as a believer in Jesus Christ I am called to be on missions.  Last year it was a mission to Uganda this year God has led me to Upward.  Let me tell you what the Bible says about missions.  In Matthew 28:18-20 this charge is given, Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  The Bible also tells us in Acts 1:8" But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you: and you will be my witness in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."  You see as a believer in Christ I believe the Bible word for word. I believe that God breathed every word.

   I believe the charge was written with me and you in mind!  Last year while preparing to go to Uganda my Uncle who goes to church, not convinced he knows the word of God and here is why.... He states "Girl, you have a brain in your head use it.  You could be killed."  Now, knowing my Uncle this was said out of his love and concern for me.  However, I believe that when you are in Gods will there is no safer place.  Don't confuse that with no harm will come to you.  That is not what that statement means.  It means that if I died on mission for my Lord and savior, that witness is powerful and God will use it to Glorify Him.  Do you know I was not scared at all about going to Uganda.  I had a peace just as I do with Upward.  I can feel God all around me. 

   Most people say to you when you are going on a mission trip particularly one over seas," You are such a blessing."  That is a nice sentiment but the real truth is, when you are called to go on missions you are blessed.  You see, God is allowing, yes allowing you to do His Kingdom work. You have just been given the dream job that maybe you never even knew you wanted.  You go on mission with the intention of blessing people with Gods word.  In return you learn God was blessing you by using you in His work.  He does not need you.  God can do all things with out you.  You can do nothing apart from God. 

    Everyday I get to wake up and go to my dream job.  Not as a nurse but as a missionary for God.  He just continually finds a work for me and I pray he never stops.  The point is missions are not just over seas.  They are here every minute of every day.  Here in Charlottesville, Virginia/USA and all over the world.  Because, I surrender myself to Gods will I take the great commission to the grocery store to work, to Upward, to Uganda all over the world.  When I tell you about Jesus that is bound to travel even where I may not . 

In Christ love,


Thursday, January 23, 2014

We interupt your regularly scheduled post to bring you UPWARD!

Bare with us while our lives are turned upside down (in a good way) for the next few weeks.  We are all heavily involved in UPWARD Sports.   It is the ministry that brought my sister and our families to Jesus Christ, so we take it pretty serious....Sorry for the sparse postings!  We promise we will post as much as we can; when we can. 

You can read Mandy's testimony about UPWARD here.

To learn about UPWARD Sports go here.

Grace to you!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Thank Ya Jesus...

5:00 am
'Beep Beep' …REALLY …time to get up already ??
Thank ya Jesus for this new day 

6:00 am
Closet torn apart …dresser drawers open …I have NOTHING to wear!
Thank ya Jesus for these clothes/shoes and coat to keep me warm 

7:30 am
Hurry Up …Go Go …I’m LATE!!!
Thank ya Jesus for this car and  my job 

5:30 pm
Basketball practice …AGAIN??
Thank ya Jesus for healthy children 

7:00 pm
Dinner …WHAT to make ??
Thank ya Jesus for food to eat

10:00 pm
I am so TIRED!
Thank ya Jesus for being with me every step of the way today!!!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

ABC.....easy as 123..maturing in your walk...

Well maybe not that easy, but you do not need a degree in Biblical or Theological studies to follow Christ or to mature in your Christian faith.

What you need is a heart that is surrendered to Him.  To surrender means to relinquish control and give yourself over fully; to no longer rely on yourself.  Once you have surrendered then you need to grow or mature in your walk.  Give it up, y'all you know you cannot do it on your own!!! Like a newborn baby you must learn to crawl before you walk.

I know for me very early on I was so intimidated by those who knew so much more than me.  In my small group I was fearful I might get called on and say something stupid.  One time in a Bible study I did and someone did actually about wanting to crawl into my shell! You know what? That intimidation is not what God had in mind for us.  He has always meant for those who are more mature in their walk to mentor. I choose to believe the sister that giggled thought what I said was "cute" and giggled like you might giggle when a toddler (or one young in their walk) says something way off.  I don't find those who are mature in their walk intimidating anymore; I find them to be a resource and approach them as such.  I ask lots of questions and no longer care what people think.  See I only care what He thinks.  I need to know as much as I can about His word and I will use all means available. 

How do you grow?

It takes commitment.  A commitment to be in His Word; a commitment to always depend on Him (being surrendered), a commitment to find people to grow with, a commitment to find a church home that fits you and your family (no church is perfect it is a hospital for sinners. If you are looking for the perfect church you will NEVER find it), a commitment to pray and finally a commitment to ditch bad habits like what you see, hear and read (media with inappropriate content which includes the music, t.v. and print material you allow yourself to be exposed to).

Other things that were helpful for me:
Find Bible studies
Purchase a "study" Bible!:  Study Bibles are great because you can take the verse you just read and if you didn't understand it there is an explanation below.  Especially helpful for KJV.
Tab your Bible!:  There is nothing worse than flipping through a big old Bible and taking 10 minutes to find the book you are looking for.  That was the best thing I ever did.  Once I purchased Bibles for our family I tabbed everyone!
Make a plan!: Most Bibles have a place in the back that help you figure out where and how to start this big book of instruction.  I was saved in 2011, but I have yet to read the Bible cover to cover.  This year I decided to use the guide in the back of my Bible that tells you what to read every day.  Now that is easy as 1 2 3!

A time for confession..... 

What leads me to write on this subject. I will be very honest with you I was addicted to reality shows like the Housewives series and shows like that.  I have stopped watching them, even deleted unwatched episodes (gasp) and obviously I have stopped recording them.  See I gave myself excuses that it wasn't hurting me because "I wasn't living that way" or "I will really pray for them, because this is so sad."  Well those shows are sad, but the saddest was me making excuses to keep watching them. That "bad habit" was hindering my walk with Christ.  Since I have stopped watching them all, because there were so many I have time to pray, time to be in the Word.  I have time to read my Bible! His word is the instruction manual for your life.  If you are wondering how to mature in your walk read His word.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work."

Matthew 4:4
"But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Kelly Stamps is ones of those who is mature in her walk.  She wrote a great piece on the same subject. Here is the link.

Grace to you!
(Our retired Pastor Lindsay Sadler always said this every time he started and ended a sermon, conversation or letter and I loved it)


Friday, January 10, 2014

God sent me Upward!!

   So, let me give you a little history lesson about me.  I have not always been a Christian,  In fact my birth date to this world is 10/26/76.  My rebirth through the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is 11/27/11 (this is my new birthday)!!  That is the day of my Baptism (public confession of surrendering my life to Christ).  The private confession to Christ was only a short time earlier the end of September 2011.  This is a long story but a good one at least for me and I hope for you!!

    So here we go........  I have always been seeking peace and joy for my life but never attaining those two things.  In my trying by seeking things of this world I ended up with a lot of hurt and heartache.  I tried in vein for 34 long years.  When I look back now I can see all the ways God was pursuing me and I bet if you take a good heart felt look you will see God pursuing you.  My niece and nephew were playing Upward basketball one winter I will say this must have been Jan 2011.  I went to a game for each one and my father was there too along with other family.  The games were going well we were cheering and  making our usual snarky comments about being aggressive, be the best yadayadayada.  It comes to half time and that means devotion.  Ugh... can't we get through a basketball game without the Jesus freaks.  My father and I got up and went so we would not have to listen to this crazy talk.   I mean it is a church league after all.   I hear the Gasp now in my own heart, but back then I did not. We poked fun and then returned to our seats.

    Turns out my nephew at the Upwards awards celebration raised his hand to know more about Christ and so a post card was sent to his home.   My nephew wanted to go to church.  My sister in all her non- enthusiasm took my nephew to Sunday School and found a Sunday School class for herself.  No church service yet.    They both pursued this for months.  My sister seemed quiet happy in her Sunday School class and tried to encourage her daughter and fiance at the time now her hubby to no avail.  My sister met a very dear lady who did a lot of work with widows in Uganda and Jenny told me about her and said she is having a yard sale, "want to help??"  I said sure, I like to help people (by training I am a nurse)  so helping is what I do.  I met this incredible couple and inside me I said ("Why is she so peaceful and joyful???")  Jenny then invites me to her Sunday School class.  I figure it can't hurt, right???  So, we go and my kids go to their perspective classes.  Guess what the lesson is in Sunday School.....Luke 10:25-37 the Parable of the good Samaritan and guess who was there???  The joyful lady from the yard sale.  Being a nurse I knew the word  Samaritan and the law but not what it truly meant.  Wow, God ok you are getting my attention now.  My kids enjoyed their classes too.  So we went back (at this time my husband was in Iraq)  This week I said why don't we go into service?? So myself my kids my sister her two kids and you got it her husband all went to service, guess what the topic was....  1Timothy 1:1-17.  Do you know this passage?  It is about Paul who used to be Saul, he was a bad dude he persecuted Christians killing them.  The Pastor goes onto explain how bad Saul was in his life ( sin).  Ok, God you have my attention.  I am a sinner just like Paul was.  You forgave him???? After all he has done???  He not only forgave Paul he used him to further the Kingdom of God!!! Wow, I got to know more.  That was just what I was about to find out!!  Remember I told you my dad and I made fun of the very people trying to share Gods word just like Paul we persecuted these people. 

    Let me share with you just how good God is, I not only decided to learn more I decided to give my life over to Christ.  I learned that the forgiveness God gives cannot be earned by good deeds.  The forgiveness is a free gift to us.  Christ died on a cross to pay the penalty for sin, which is death.  He was the pure sacrifice that had to be offered to save us in our filth and unrighteousness.  He has forgiven me for all I have done and will ever do.  Nothing I can do will take me from His hands.  HE can forgive you too.  HE is waiting on you, pursuing you too.

     All this from a basketball league.  Yes, because it is a ministry blessed by God!  I am so thankful for Upward and God using my young nephew to bring us to Christ.  I can never repay this debt but I can give my life so others can know the love of Christ and that there is Victory in Christ alone! 

    So the very  "church league"  I scoffed at and persecuted was instrumental  in saving my life.  The very church they were playing basketball at, Calvary, was the very church I would leave from to go on my first over seas mission trip to Uganda!  The very league I made fun of  has my total dedication as a volunteer cheerleading coach and cafe volunteer and prayer partner.  So, I am here alive in Christ to tell you that the Grace of God is for all.  No matter what you have done God loved you enough to already send His son to save you.  Will you be like I was and continue to turn away from God?  I pray not, I pray you will fall on your knees and call out to Him I promise He will meet you right where you are. 

    I can give my personal testimony about how God has turned my life Upward and I can tell you that due to the Upward ministry 8 others in my family have comitted their lives to Christ.  I cannot do anything other than show you with my life and testimony just how good life is in Christ.  Would you please pray for the Upward ministry and all that are involved.  Everyday God is using ordinary people for His extraordinary purpose. 
In the love of Christ,

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Daily Dose(s)

So this year I resolved to read my Bible cover to cover, but more importantly I resolved to take that reading daily; daily doses if you will.  Twice daily; once in the morning before I get out of bed and when I return to my bed to sleep.  Like medicine; it is so good for my soul. 

Sunday was a rough night for me, so I skipped my Sunday night reading and Monday morning I slept and didn't get my morning passages in.  My Monday was AWFUL!  I was irritated and easily frustrated at work and it made me feel so ugly. 

Monday evening I got back into my routine and Tuesday morning I was up reading first thing and you know what I had a much better day.  Now I want to be very clear I had many struggles and "irritations" at work on Tuesday, but I had my daily dose of His word and I was able to handle what came at me because I was dependent on Him and reading His book of instructions on how to handle life.  Reading His word keeps the Holy Spirit burning inside of you; it feeds the fire. 

I cannot tell you how important it is to be in His word daily.  At least once a day if not more!  In order to grow you must know His word.  In order to help others find His Kingdom you must envelope yourself in His word.

Folks get your daily dose(s)! 

He speaks to me with His word.  He loves me with His word.  He comforts me with His word.  He instructs/disciplines me with His word. 

Grace to you!


Monday, January 6, 2014

Lord I need you

    Lately I have felt very discouraged.  It seems no matter how hard I try I can't get out of this rut of discouragement.  Ever felt like that???  Every time I turn around WHAM!  I am reminded of past sin and current things that I struggle with.  You ask, well don't you pray about this current situation?    The answer is yes, I do!

     The key here is in the second sentence.  Go ahead read it again......... "I try"  that is right, that is where I go wrong, where we all go wrong.  Yes, I pray and that is a sound thing to do and yes if there are things God is asking you to change then, do it.  However,  what God tells us is to rely on Him and His  strength not our own. 

    You see as much as I hate to mention the name, Satan is who is reminding me of my past and all the ways I am imperfect.  I strive so hard to be Christ like.  Christ is perfect and I am not and never will be.( See the problem again "I strive" and thus my discouragement) I get caught up in this and forget that Christ is not asking me to be perfect, he is asking that I be a willing vessel to let His love flow, not my love.  I cannot love the way He does.  I need to remember that I am covered by the blood of Christ and God sees His perfection.  I am forgiven and blanketed by the blood of Christ. 

    The point is I will never be perfect and being a Christian is not about being perfect or even trying.  You and I, will fail every time.  Being a Christian means surrendering all to Christ and turning it all over to Him.  He will take care of the rest.  Do you know that I already know this and still get discouraged.  I rely on this human flesh sometimes and that is where I falter and Satan attempts to creep in.  Well, I prayed about being discouraged for quite a while and God met me at the Throne of Grace on Sunday.  He reminded me of all of this by way of our transitional Pastor.  He did not take the discouragement away immediately.  You know why?  Because, suffering is good.  It does not feel good but here is what it does for you.  "More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us  to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us" Romans 5: 3-5.   I tell you I was praying but more importantly the Holy Spirit was groaning and interceding on my behalf asking for what I could not. 
     So, on Sunday as the Pastor was giving the sermon and it was hitting home I just thanked God and Praised Him, for His love endures forever!  Know what else the Pastor said and I love this. "When Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future." That is just what I did!!! Then the Pastor said and remember your future!! Heaven, in glory with our Father forever!!!!! I knew I had to share this and as I was thinking today about how to share I heard one of my favorite songs "Lord I need you" by Matt Maher.  This song says it all!  Lord, I come, I confess bowing here I find my rest, without you I fall apart, your the one that guides my heart.  Lord I need you oh I need you, every hour I need you, my one defense my righteousness, oh God How I need you.  Where sin runs deep your grace is more........  Go to YouTube and listen to the song it is such a perfect description of relying on our Savior!  It talks about God meeting you just where you are.

In Christ love and I hope this post finds you relying on Jesus and not yourselves.

No...No...Not Yet

I have often wondered since I became a parent how many times have I said ‘no’ to my children? I feel like some days that is all  I seem to say.  Granted none of us like to be told no.  But … I tell them no out of love. I say no when their motives are not genuine –  kids can be sneaky.  I say no when they are not emotionally or physically ready for something – to protect them.  I say no when I know that if they hold out and wait just a little longer the outcome will be more than they had hoped – because I may have the inside scoop on the bigger picture.   

A parent/child relationship is just like the relationship we have with our Heavenly Father.  Often times His non-response to our prayers is His way of saying no or not yet.  And He does it for all the same reasons - out of His love for us.  We have to be patient and learn to let go of control (whew those are lessons I continue to struggle with during my spiritual growth) and have faith that His plan is the BEST PLAN. What He has in store for us is far better than anything we could ever dream!   

So remember …sometimes being told no is like being told – I love you!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Why blog?

This blog is dedicated to the memory of Janet Pate (December 25, 1962- December 26, 2013),  I read her blog for almost 2 years and prayed for her healing and peace.  After I read Janet's post on December 11, 2013 titled "It Is Well With My Soul", I started reflecting back on her 2 year blog. You see if you are like me you say "why God" a whole lot instead of "okay God how will this situation be used to glorify you?"  That is the question we should ask. Janet always glorified our Lord. 
I didn't know Janet; never met her. I found her on Kelly's Korner one day when I was blog hopping. Well as I read the history of post and reflected on her current situation I could see God in every detail.  I could see Him like never before and I thought to myself wouldn't it be nice to keep a journal of life and then reflect on it and if I ever question if God is with me then I would be able to look back and see He always was. 
Janet's impact on me was profound.  I realized one morning after she passed that God had put on my heart that I should blog about my life with Jesus and not just me, but ask my sister and best friend to share their lives as well.  My hope is the tapestry that we will weave with our post will show you Jesus is in every detail of our lives. This blog will be used to glorify God.  Thank you, Janet for putting your life out there for us.  Thank you, for always giving God the glory. 
Isaiah 43:7“Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.” (KJV)
Side note: The name of the blog comes from Natalie Grant's song Hurricane
  The song says "and when you feel the rain, call His name; He'll find you in a hurricane."
He most certainly will!
Grace to you-