
Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I posted a few weeks ago that I am reading my Bible daily.  I told you that it was good for my soul; which it is.  I will admit though certain chapters in certain books of the Old Testament can be difficult to read.  I am being very honest here. 

If you  have ever read the entire book of Exodus you know what I mean about certain chapters being difficult to read, and what I mean by difficult is boring.  Yikes, did I just call the Word of God boring?   Don't get me wrong the parts about God using Moses to lead His chosen out of Egypt is riveting stuff, but then we get to where God is settling the Israelites and the building of the Tabernacle.  You read about God being very specific to Moses about the number cubits of fabric, and rings of gold and brass and where the candelabra will be placed and then you go through the detailed repetition of that again when the Tabernacle is built.  I mean is it important to know how many cubits of fabric will flank the sides of the Tabernacle or how many rings will secure them or even what side the candle holders will be put on??

The answer to that question is YES; we do need to know!  And why?  Well the answer would come to me days after finishing Exodus, but I knew if God breathed these words then they were words worth reading and not skimming over.

A few days after I finished the book of Exodus I was brushing my teeth and I couldn't get out of my head why these seemingly trivial items were in a book of the Bible and why they were worth repeating?  That is when He placed on my heart the word DETAILS.  I felt Him say to me "Child the details are important.  The details of your life are important to me".  YES!  That is the answer! Our God is a detailed oriented God.  He is a God that cares about the little things.  You see God uses His word to teach us. Where do we find His word; well in His book, The Bible!  We won't know what He wants for us or how much He loves us unless we READ IT!

For me the book of Exodus was not just about God saving His people, but about confirming to me that God doesn't just care about the big stuff around us; He cares about every detail in our lives. You see when I started reading these chapters of Exodus I didn't know why they were important to God.   You see we often say why God?  Why am I going through this?  Why am I reading over and over about cubits of fabric?  Why is this important to you?  We ask why because we don't understand.  Asking Him why is okay because He wants to answer you and He will if you are listening to Him.  Sometimes He wants you to read the whole book or go through the whole storm before He answers you.  See He knows exactly what you need and He knows when you need it. 

The lesson for me in this is that every word of the Bible is significant and is important to take in.  God will explain it to me when and how it relates to my life when He knows I need it. 

If you don't believe our God cares about the details I challenge you to look at the things around you He created.  Tell me you don't find attention to detail in yourself?  The freckle on your face?  Your talents?

Happy reading! 
Matthew 10:30
"And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
Grace to you!

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