
Saturday, January 11, 2014

ABC.....easy as 123..maturing in your walk...

Well maybe not that easy, but you do not need a degree in Biblical or Theological studies to follow Christ or to mature in your Christian faith.

What you need is a heart that is surrendered to Him.  To surrender means to relinquish control and give yourself over fully; to no longer rely on yourself.  Once you have surrendered then you need to grow or mature in your walk.  Give it up, y'all you know you cannot do it on your own!!! Like a newborn baby you must learn to crawl before you walk.

I know for me very early on I was so intimidated by those who knew so much more than me.  In my small group I was fearful I might get called on and say something stupid.  One time in a Bible study I did and someone did actually about wanting to crawl into my shell! You know what? That intimidation is not what God had in mind for us.  He has always meant for those who are more mature in their walk to mentor. I choose to believe the sister that giggled thought what I said was "cute" and giggled like you might giggle when a toddler (or one young in their walk) says something way off.  I don't find those who are mature in their walk intimidating anymore; I find them to be a resource and approach them as such.  I ask lots of questions and no longer care what people think.  See I only care what He thinks.  I need to know as much as I can about His word and I will use all means available. 

How do you grow?

It takes commitment.  A commitment to be in His Word; a commitment to always depend on Him (being surrendered), a commitment to find people to grow with, a commitment to find a church home that fits you and your family (no church is perfect it is a hospital for sinners. If you are looking for the perfect church you will NEVER find it), a commitment to pray and finally a commitment to ditch bad habits like what you see, hear and read (media with inappropriate content which includes the music, t.v. and print material you allow yourself to be exposed to).

Other things that were helpful for me:
Find Bible studies
Purchase a "study" Bible!:  Study Bibles are great because you can take the verse you just read and if you didn't understand it there is an explanation below.  Especially helpful for KJV.
Tab your Bible!:  There is nothing worse than flipping through a big old Bible and taking 10 minutes to find the book you are looking for.  That was the best thing I ever did.  Once I purchased Bibles for our family I tabbed everyone!
Make a plan!: Most Bibles have a place in the back that help you figure out where and how to start this big book of instruction.  I was saved in 2011, but I have yet to read the Bible cover to cover.  This year I decided to use the guide in the back of my Bible that tells you what to read every day.  Now that is easy as 1 2 3!

A time for confession..... 

What leads me to write on this subject. I will be very honest with you I was addicted to reality shows like the Housewives series and shows like that.  I have stopped watching them, even deleted unwatched episodes (gasp) and obviously I have stopped recording them.  See I gave myself excuses that it wasn't hurting me because "I wasn't living that way" or "I will really pray for them, because this is so sad."  Well those shows are sad, but the saddest was me making excuses to keep watching them. That "bad habit" was hindering my walk with Christ.  Since I have stopped watching them all, because there were so many I have time to pray, time to be in the Word.  I have time to read my Bible! His word is the instruction manual for your life.  If you are wondering how to mature in your walk read His word.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work."

Matthew 4:4
"But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Kelly Stamps is ones of those who is mature in her walk.  She wrote a great piece on the same subject. Here is the link.

Grace to you!
(Our retired Pastor Lindsay Sadler always said this every time he started and ended a sermon, conversation or letter and I loved it)


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