
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello God, it's me Bridgit....

Anyone old enough to remember The Golden Girls …if so …picture this:  

December 28, 2013.  Small town USA.  Single Mom –had  pushed thru holidays though she dearly missed her deceased Mother, stressed over finances and  all her buttons were being  pushed by 2  small children.  She could not muster the energy on this cold rainy morning to attend church.   Her children had begged and pleaded for the maple flavored mini pancakes that had been purchased.  Yet this morning – they refused to eat them.  

RED!! I was seeing RED – have you been there before?    

I quickly packed up the uneaten breakfast.  Loaded up my children and myself (all still in pajamas)  and drove off in the down pour of rain for an early start to the weekly Sunday visit with their Dad. The 20 minute ride allowed the hopelessness to take an even tighter hold on me.   Once my children were safely inside I turned the car around and headed home.   I barely started my trek back when the tears began to roll down my cheeks.   I felt alone.  I felt overwhelmed with life.   Tear stained face,  nonstop rain drops on the windshield and me crying out I NEED HELP …I NEED HELP!   Out of nowhere a voice  came through loud and clear:  I am with you my child.    

Yes I did pause and look around  my car as if to say ….did anyone else hear that …there is no one in here with me …right?  I was not afraid of the voice.  It comforted me.  At that very moment the weight I was carrying was lifted.  Praise God for each and every time we think He has forgotten us or is not listening to us – He proves us wrong.   I think more often than not God is speaking but the problem is we are not listening. 

Genesis 28:15

Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.

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