
Thursday, January 2, 2014

What? A blog????

   So my sister calls me with this crazy idea today.  She wants me to contribute to a blog. What??? What would I have to say that anyone would want to read??  So here goes!  I had to pray about this blog thing.  Then I realized that was it!  Maybe you could be inspired by some nugget some prayer that God has placed on my heart! Not inspired by me but by what God has done in my life, how HE has blessed me.
        I love God so much and pray to be HIS obedient servant.  I pray not for things like wisdom or patience, but for God to fill me daily with HIS Holy Spirit, that HIS light would shine from every area of my life that I would be HIS hands and feet; an Ambassador of Christ.  I know that all I need to be is filled with the spirit of God and all things that one might pray for will be fulfilled.   I know as a saved believer that the Holy Spirit indwells me,(I have no doubt) however I am human and I often quench the spirit.  Put that fire out so to speak.  SIN!!!

      Take for instance this blog instead of embracing the idea I hemmed and hawed! Ugh, one more thing to try and fit in and then I was convicted by that very Spirit. I get a realization Mandy, you are a bond servant of Christ and you have been given the privilege to work for HIS Kingdom and spread HIS love!  I have been given the opportunity to to do work for GOD! 

     So as we go on this journey together you will learn about the struggles and triumphs of my life in Christ.  Which in the end are all victories because God will use even the struggles to glorify HIM and that is what this life is about folks.  Not living for me, but dying to myself so that Christ lives in me.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6

   So yes, I will be thankful for this blog and the opportunity to share Jesus with you. 

In Christ love,

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